A podcast of in-depth interviews about emotions and the way they shape our lives. Hosted by Claire, it’s a weekly conversation with writers, activists, experts, thinkers and deeply feeling humans about their stories.
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La Loba The Wolf Woman
The last episode of season 3 for 2022 and I'd like to share my single Fear to Feel with you and tell you the story of La Loba the wolf woman.
Trigger Warning - this episode discusses themes of emotional abuse and trauma. If this brings anything up for you at all please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Rediscovering Ourselves with Holly Ringland Part Two
Part Two of this beautiful conversation with author, storyteller and presenter Holly Ringland.

Discovering Magic with Holly Ringland Part One
Holly Ringland is a writer, storyteller, and television presenter. Her award-winning, bestselling debut novel, The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, has been published in 31 countries/territories and will stream globally in 2023 as a seven-part series on Amazon Prime, starring Sigourney Weaver…

Endometriosis with naturopath Freya Lawler
Freya Lawler joins me again today to deep dive into Endometriosis, a condition that effects so many women and is still chronically under diagnosed and often misunderstood…

Giving it a RED HOT GO with Lizzy Hoo
My guest today is Lizzy Hoo WHO is many things – a writer, noodle enthusiast, designer, actor, sports lover, and rescue greyhound owner. Lizzy is also a stand-up comedian who has rapidly become one of Australia’s most exciting new voices. Lizzy only started doing stand-up in 2017, originally as a way to gain more self-confidence…

Boundaries & Self Love with Sam Buckingham
Sam Buckingham is an alternative pop, folk singer-songwriter based in Byron Bay, Australia. In May 2020, after receiving a Resilience Fund grant from the Australia Council, Sam Buckingham setup up a makeshift studio in her living room to start pre-production on her new album Dear John…

Climate Action & What We Can All Do Right Now with Claire O’Rourke
My guest today Claire O’Rourke is an author, environmentalist and advocate, with more than two decades working in journalism, communications and campaigns across Australia and around the world. Claire helps others take action on climate change…

Joy, Art & Queerness with David Martin Harris
My guest today is David Martin Harris. They are the CEO of the Melbourne Queer Film Festival, they have worked for the Australian centre for contemporary art, as the chair person and co-curator of SEVENTH gallery, they have been the co-recipient of an FBI Smack Award for best NSW arts program and they were also on the board of directors for Mooghalin Performing Arts…

Writing & Motherhood with Jane Harper
My guest today is bestselling author Jane Harper. Jane's first novel The Dry following the story of Detective Aaron Falk was written in 2016 and has since sold over 1.5m copies in Australia and 3.5m worldwide. It also became a hit film in 2020, starring Eric Bana as Falk…

Hormones, Perimenopause & Chronic Stress with Freya Lawler
Freya Lawler is a bachelor qualified nutritionist, naturopath and natural fertility educator specialising in reproductive health, fertility and hormones. She is passionate about helping people achieve whole body wellness through a root-cause approach to women's health. In this episode we talk PCOS and gut health…

Toxic Masculinity with Tim Loveday
Tim Loveday is a poet, a writer and editor. He writes primarily on masculinity, intergenerational violence and rural communities reckoning with climate collapse. Look out for his forthcoming book titled Your Father Was A Bastard. Tim is the recipient of a 2021 Next Chapter Wheeler Centre Fellowship, a 2021 Varuna Residential Fellowship, a 2022 Bundanon Residential Fellowship, 2022 Melbourne City Arts Grant, and a 2022 Writing Space Fellowship…

Why Stories Matter with Astrid Edwards
My guest today is Astrid Edwards. The host of The Garret: Writers on Writing, you can also read her book reviews in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Future Women, Kill Your Darlings, The Big Issue and Australian Book Review. In 2021 Astrid contributed to the anthology Growing Up Disabled in Australia…
Claire also produces and hosts Suggestible, a podcast of suggestible stuff to watch, read and listen to. She also produced and hosted Just Make the Thing, a series about how to start a thing and keep on making it. Attempted things include yoga teaching, soup and the story behind Australia’s largest independent podcast network Planet Broadcasting.