A podcast of in-depth interviews about emotions and the way they shape our lives. Hosted by Claire, it’s a weekly conversation with writers, activists, experts, thinkers and deeply feeling humans about their stories.
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Fall in love with your clothes with Lucianne Tonti
Today I speak to my little sister Lucianne Tonti about her book Sundressed that has just been released (so very very proud) but also about how to fall in love with your clothes and by extension yourself…

Finding your voice with Santilla Chingaipe
My guest today is the extraordinary journalist, filmmaker, advocate and writer Santilla Chingaipe. Meeting Santi I was immediately drawn into her whip smart, funny and deeply insightful perspectives about the human experience…

Inside our broken hospitals with Dr Neela Janakiramanan
My guest this week is the powerhouse that is Dr Neela Janakiramanan. In her own words Neela is a reconstructive plastic surgeon who spends most of her time playing with power tools to fix hands and wrists, while accidentally teaching, mentoring, writing, and fighting the patriarchy…

Kindred Women with Erin Pluekhahn
My guest today Erin Pluekhahn is a doula, an event manager and now founder of kindred women - a beautiful business that creates women’s circles, gatherings and retreats that aim to nurture, care and restore women through meditation, journaling, movement, nature and sound immersion…

Period Power with Lucy Peach
Musician, TED talker, comedian, writer and wearer of the best red sparkle jumpsuit you've ever seen Lucy Peach is a powerhouse of a woman who teaches that menstrual cycles are not a curse but could just be your greatest super power!

Womankind with physio Kym Veale
My guest today physiotherapist Kym Veale has been a really special person in my life and in so many women’s lives, particularly for women who experience pregnancy and birth. I’m so glad I can share her wisdom and insight in this episode…

Music Therapy with Pip Reid
My guest in this episode is a very old friend of mine Pip Reid who is a music therapist and one of my heroes. Which I know sounds very corny but I’ll explain. She is someone who shares my enthusiasm for well almost everything and is a big feeling type of person…

Teenage girls are awesome with Maggie Zhou
My guest today Maggie Zhou @yemagz is a writer, producer, instagrammer and slow fashion advocate. She has become a really influential voice in the fight for sustainability in the fashion industry here in Melbourne and her instagram photography gives you such a joyful window into the way she views the world…

The Mother Wound with Amani Haydar
My guest this week Amani Haydar is a writer and artist. Her story is one of unimaginable pain and also triumph in the face of the murder of her mother Salwa Haydar at the hands of her father and the loss of her grandmother Teta who was murdered in the 2006 war in Lebanon…

Inherited Memories with Siân Darling
It is clear to me that my guest today Siân Darling who is also a dear friend and the partner of my dad’s cousin Paul Kelly, has lived a life impacted by the stories and memories of her families past…
Play Therapy with Felicity Odgers
My guest today is a very good pal of mine Felicity Odgers. Flick was a primary school teacher and is now a qualified play therapist with a masters from Deakin University. Flick and I team taught many years ago in a remote community in the Kimberlys, working with a very special group of first nations children…

Living Fearlessly with Rhiannon Joyce
My guest today is Shameless Media's Rhiannon Joyce. Rhi is an integral part of the Shameless team – spear heading brand partnerships which is an integral role in growing what is a really fresh new approach to media. If you haven’t heard of Shameless let me fill you in…

Knowing your body with Freya Bennett
My guest today is Freya Bennett musician, illustrator, writer and founder of the digital magazine Ramona. Ramona Magazine is full of content from cis and trans women, as well as non-binary people who are comfortable in a space that centres the experiences of women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and BIPOC (black, Indigenous and people of color)…

Soulful Seeds with Zahra Biabani
My guest today is Zahra Biabani from Soulful Seeds. Zahra is a climate activist and influencer. I found her through the Suggestible podcast community and immediately resonated so much with her work…

Rediscovering Your Wild with Sarah Wilson
Sarah Wilson is a journalist, multi-New York Times bestselling author, podcaster and social entrepreneur who hiked the world with one bag of belongings for eight years to understand our need to reconnect with life again…

The Mess and the Magic of Motherhood with Joanna Bennett
Joanna Bennett wears her insides on her outsides. She is also known as the poet Tatterhood and is the author of 3 books Swimming Underwater, Tiny Lungs and These Are My Delicious Sandwiches…
Claire also produces and hosts Suggestible, a podcast of suggestible stuff to watch, read and listen to. She also produced and hosted Just Make the Thing, a series about how to start a thing and keep on making it. Attempted things include yoga teaching, soup and the story behind Australia’s largest independent podcast network Planet Broadcasting.